Video Captures Selfie-Induced Car Crash [Video]

We all know that women have a reputation for putting on make up, eating breakfast, painting nails and even blow-drying their hair all while driving. Better yet, we all sneak in a quick call or a text message en route to our next destination. Here’s why you should do all those things before you put the key in the ignition.
Unlocked Cell Phones In South Africa – Do You Really Need A Contract?

The cell phone market in South Africa is a strange beast, and even more so the smartphone market. Yes, there are many types of phones being sold – different form factors, different price points, and different manufacturers – but what people see most of the time is only what the large telecoms companies advertise to you.
See How Far We’ve Come – 40 Years Of Cell Phones In Pictures [GALLERY]

Yesterday marked the 40th anniversary of the first cell phone call. Take a look at the progression of the phone over the last four decades, from the “brick” to the almost paper thin smartphones of today.
Pretend To Ignore This Headline – “Court Rules That Cellphones CAN Cause Brain Tumours”

2oceansvibe has long despised the rude habit of random, unplanned phone calls. That was to do with manners, but now it is OFFICIALLY affecting our health as well. So you just carry on.. make another phone call. Click headline for story.
Footage Of Traffic Cops Confiscating Motorists’ Cellphones [VIDEO]

Ja, and you thought we were joking when we reported earlier this week about the new traffic laws in Cape Town! Turns out that motorists caught using a cell phone in traffic will indeed face a R500 fine, plus have their phone confiscated for a day. Let these stupefied offenders serve as a lesson to you.
Nokia Develops World’s First Vibrating Tattoo
So! Nokia filed a patent for the world’s first vibrating tattoo, to alert users about call, text message or email alerts. Because that’s something people would want. The idea being that Nokia’s haptic tattoo would transmit “a perceivable impulse” through the skin whenever it receives magnetic signals from a phone. The future is gross.