This Guy Lives On His Own On An Island

Located in the Maddalena archipelago is a small island with pink beaches, and it is looked after by one man who has been there for 29 years.
Island Once Owned By Cross-Dressing Heiress On Sale For R242 Million

Owning an island is quite a status symbol, and this one over in the Bahamas has an epic backstory to boot. Turns out the 1930s was a wild time.
This Island With A House, Amazing Views And A Helipad Is Yours For R19 Million

If you’re looking for an adventure – and have the cash to subsidise it – just buy this island in Scotland and you’re on your way.
Like A Movie – Shipwreck Sailors Swim All Night To Island, Write ‘HELP’ On Beach And Get Rescued Three Days Later [Images]

If you’ve ever had nightmares about ending up stranded on a deserted island somewhere this may cheer you up.
At 184, This Is The World’s Oldest Living Animal – Jonathan

There’s an animal out there that just got treated to a bath for the first time in his life – and all because the Royal family are coming to visit.
If Branson’s Necker Island And Bitcoin Interest You, You Should See This Article [Images]

This is what goes down when Richard Branson hosts a meeting between the leaders in the Bitcoin world on his private island in the British Isles.
Insane Photos Show One Of The World’s Newest Islands

There’s a new land mass on Earth for you to add to your bucket list. Just pop on over to the South Pacific in the next few months before it is gone.
You Could Casually Own An Island For £350 000

Go! Go and buy this island right now and throw parties and drink for days – no one will ever hear you and it will be lovely. Alternatively you can breed sheep and read books all day. Your choice.
Don’t Even Joke – 13 Clips For A Week In Mauritius (Incl. Flights) – 2ov Special From Kulula

We are all constantly on the lookout for those amazing deals, especially when it includes flights. Well look no further, we gots your back!
This Is Where George Took Amal On Honeymoon
Get your envy protectors on, as The Telegraph’s “Seychelles expert” Tim Ecott gives some inside information into the honeymoon that George Clooney and Amal Alamuddin treated themselves to.
These Fake Holiday Destinations And Theme Parks Make Disney World Pedestrian [Gallery]
Can’t decide between that ski-trip or beach vacation? There’s a way to do it all at half the cost, thanks to the glorious world of fake holiday destinations.
Now You Can Buy The Most Haunted Place On Earth

In the market for an island? If you don’t mind ghosts, the occasional possession, a morbid back story and loads of corpses, this island just off of Venice, Italy, could be just the fixer-upper you’ve been looking for.
Watch: Erupting Volcano Creates Entirely New Island [VIDEO]

One day it’s just open sea – the next day there’s an island. Filmed just off the coast of Japan, an erupting volcano has just formed an entirely new island that is about 650 meters across.
Mark Shuttleworth’s African Island Retreat Is Beautiful [GALLERY + VIDEO]

I caught an article in the FT Weekend, entitled, ‘Principe: a haven on earth.’ I’ll be honest, I had no idea that Mark Shuttleworth had bought the Bom Bom resort on Principe island. Did you?
Here Is Tokyo Sexwale’s R650 Million Island [Photo Gallery]

The Sunday Times reported that Tokyo Sexwale bought the Quilálea island in 2008 for $70 million. We did some snooping around the net and found you some info and photos:
Onassis’ Greek Island (Where He Married Jackie O’) Sold For R1,3 Billion [GALLERY]

The beautiful Greek island where shipping billionaire, Aristotle Onassis married JKF’s widow, Jackie, has been sold for $100 million. The island, Skorpios, was sold by the heir to his fortune, Athina Onassis Roussel, to a very wealthy Russian.
Mozambique Establishes Africa’s Largest Coastal Marine Reserve

Mozambique has just announced the creation of Africa’s largest coastal marine reserve by establishing a 10-island archipelago in a bid to protect all forms of marine life in the region.
The Floating Tech Start Up Haven Is Becoming A Reality
Venture capitalist, Peter Theil’s dream of an artificial island utopia for tech start-ups is inching closer to reality off the coast of San Francisco. Riding a wave of investment capital from Thiel, the project has a name – “Blueseed” – and a website, as well as a lengthy lineup of tech companies that want to get on board.
Welcome To Nuku Hiva, Our Guides Would Love To Have You For Dinner
Sailing around the world, stopping off to bask in the sun on white sandy beaches and exploring the hidden treasures of beautiful remote Pacific islands; these were, most likely, on Stefan Ramin’s lists of things to do when he set out on his adventures. Getting eaten by a cannibal tour guide however, was not.
Billionaire Funding Construction Of Artificial, Libertarian Islands
Don’t worry, the artificial libertarian islands will have better names than that. Peter Thiel, founder of PayPal and early Facebook investor, has given $1.25 million to an initiative to build libertarian island states in international waters. Because that’s what you do when you’rea 43-year-old gay libertarian with money to kill, I guess.