South African Life Insurers Statistics Show Concerning Rise In Claims Around Unnatural Deaths, Mostly Among Men
South African Life Insurers have been going through the claims statistics from the last year and have spotted an alarming trend.
Momentum Medical Aid Members Aren’t Too Chuffed
According to Consulta’s latest South African Customer Satisfaction Index for the local medical aid industry, we’re pretty gatvol with our largest providers.
South Africans Rank The Best Medical Aid Schemes
The latest South African Customer Satisfaction Index shows which medical schemes are keeping their customers happy.
It’s Official, Momentum Is The Worst Major Life Insurer In The Country
The latest South African Customer Satisfaction Index shines a light on the best and worst life insurers in SA.
Discovery And Liberty Are At War Over Your Vitality Rewards
Discovery is taking Liberty to court, Liberty says it did nothing wrong, and battle lines have now been drawn in the sand.
Momentum Headed To Court Amidst ‘Unethical’ Practices Claim
Momentum will do battle in court with a Durban woman, who says she was made to pay premiums long after her policy was cancelled.
Wednesday Morning Spice
Momentum buckles. Pravin day two. Bo-Kaap chaos. Facebook child bride. Trump afraid of war. White dwarf star. Apple’s design guru. Detouring. Curling drunks. CBD oil. Funniest stand-up comedy specials. Kidman on Cruise.
Momentum Under Fire For Heartless Refusal To Pay Widow Life Insurance
Health and insurance group Momentum is refusing to pay out life insurance to a widow, whose husband died protecting her from rapid gunfire.
Deal With It: These Robots Can Assemble Themselves [VIDEO]
Robots’ natural enemies are stairs. Climbing up and down stairs is something we as humans have pretty much mastered, but robots are finding it a touch more difficult. These M-Blocks, created by the brainiacs at MIT, would have no problem with stairs though. These modular robots can jump though the air, catch onto each other, spin and roll around to form new shapes, all with no external moving parts.