And Now For Pornhub’s Top Searches Of The Year, With Something “Less Complicated” Coming In Hot

Hentai, hawk tuah and tradwives — what a time to be alive.
Mattel Apologises For Listing Porn Site On ‘Wicked’ Doll Packaging

Mattel’s packaging for its ‘Wicked’ movie doll certainly lives up to the name—just not in the most enchanting way.
Monday Morning Spice

Porn appears on MK Party’s Facebook page, Worst yet to come in southern Africa drought, Robert Downey Jr. is returning to ‘Avengers’ films as a villain, and Sinead O’Connor’s exact cause of death finally revealed.
X Goes XXX: Social Media Platform Updates Policies To Formally Allow Adult Content

The platform formerly known as Twitter will allow users to share sexualised content so long as it is consensual and clearly labelled.
Hectic Hackers Hijack Eastern Cape Municipality’s Facebook And Flood It With Porn

Last week, the page boasted 22,000 followers, a number that has surged by 1,000 in recent days. Among the shocking x-rated videos, one has garnered a staggering 94,000 views.
Porn Site Reveals “Giantess” As 2024 Fetish Of The Year

It turns out this year’s most desired fetish is all about big women and shrunken men.
Peeping Tom Who Hacked Into Webcams Of 772 People In 39 Different Countries Is Finally Facing Jail

Married father-of-three, Christopher Taylor, went global with his sex-spying shinanigans.
Netflix Has New Doccie Exploring Biggest Porn Website In The World – Pornhub [Trailer]

Netflix is taking a deep dive into the website so popular it’s basically synonymous with online porn in general.
Heard Of Gooning, The Fetish Where Dudes Get High On Porn And Masturbate Into A Trance?

‘Gooning’ is essentially the act of edging oneself for hours until one’s soul merges with one’s own dick.
In The Era Of AI, A New Kind Of Pornstar Is Coming

AI is not new in the porn industry, but the main difference is that now, actual real-life porn stars might have a run for their money.
SA Children Are Watching A Lot Of Porn

A recent study found that more than half (55%) of young South African children are regularly watching pornography.
Why Are So Many People Watching Porn At Work?

One global survey revealed more than 60% of people questioned had watched porn at work.
How Anonymous Helped Take Down The Revenge Porn King [Video]

In 2010, Hunter Moore created the revenge porn website ‘Is Anyone Up?’ which wrecked untold lives. Rolling Stone called him “the most hated man on the internet” and Moore embraced that tag.
Ladies Are Advised Not To Scold Their Men For Watching Porn

Pornography gets a bad rep for many valid reasons. The massive, multi-million dollar industry has so many devastating accusations racked up against it.
Friday Morning Spice

OnlyFans bans porn. Taliban ‘door-to-door manhunt’. How Rolex became premier watch brand. Rugby Championship in disarray. R Kelly’s girl scout fetish.
ANC Youth League Website Has A Porn Problem

The ANCYL website has been ‘hacked’ and, for the past two weeks, linked to a pornographic website.
Bin Laden’s Hard Drive Revealed – More Than Just Porn, ‘Ice Age’, And ‘Charlie Bit My Finger’ Memes [Video]

Remember that porn they found on bin Laden’s hard drive? Some theories suggest it may have served a different purpose than originally thought.
Paris Hilton Talks About THAT Sex Tape

Almost 20 years after Paris Hilton filmed that infamous sex tape, she speaks out about what really happened when it was made.
Bella Thorne Made $1 Million In One Day On OnlyFans

Bella Thorne is raking in the cash on the adult entertainment platform OnlyFans, and not everyone is happy about it.
Apocalypse Porn Is Proving Very Popular Right Now

An old genre, apocalypse porn, is gaining popularity again as we face a global pandemic, climate change, civil unrest, and economic uncertainty.
Naked Porn Stars Show Up Unannounced In Viral New Zealand Ad [Video]

New Zealand is tackling internet safety with some incredibly funny adverts that give Nando’s a run for their money.
You Can Still Try The Reverse Cowgirl With Your Ex

People are having virtual reality sex with 3D avatars of their exes and celebrities, and nobody seems to be able to stop them.
Are You Ready For The Audio Porn Revolution?

Caroline Spiegel, sister of Snapchat’s Evan Spiegel, is bringing porn to your ears with her new app, Quinn.
Looks Like The UK’s ‘Porn Block’ Is Dead

After months of debate and delays, the proposed porn block in Britain is not going to happen. Not in its original form, anyway.
SA’s Revenge Porn Laws – Huge Fines And Jail Time

President Ramaphosa has signed a new amendment bill into law that officially declares revenge porn illegal, with harsh consequences for perpetrators.
Everybody Missed These Massive Porn Ads All Over Times Square

While nobody was paying attention, porn company Evil Angel bought up a fair amount of advertising space in Times Square.
Now You Can Help Save The Environment By Watching Porn [Video]

Pornhub cares, which is why they want to make it easier for you to watch porn and save the environment at the same time.
Ja, So Facebook Knows What Porn You’re Watching

I’m sorry to tell you this, but even in ‘incognito mode’, you aren’t alone when you’re watching porn.
This Is How SA’s Internet Porn Block Will Work If It Goes Ahead

The South African Law Reform Commission have just published a paper that proposes the “blocking of internet porn by default”.
A Porn Site Stopped Users Watching MILF Vids On Mother’s Day [SFW Video]

Porn site xHamster wanted everyone to make responsible porn choices on Mother’s Day, so they launched a cheeky campaign.