Monday, January 20, 2025

200-Year-Old Shipwreck Champagne On Auction

You guys remember that shipwreck they found last year in the Baltic, with the 168 odd ancient-but-preserved bottles of champagne? Well I do. And they did. And now two of those fancy old champagne bottles are going on auction because why not?

Monday Morning Radvertising: Red Bull Street Art View

Brazilian ad agency Loducca has put together a collection of geo-tagged street art from Google Street View for Red Bull. The site is sweetly designed, with decent Cape Town representation. How exactly this is going to sell Red Bell any caffeinated beverages is beyond me, but whatever.

They Make Dominos With Wi-Fi Now

I mean, yes, making dominos that trip each other without touching is probably a useless application of technology, but I figure this puts us one step closer to that weird hologram game from Star Wars, and I am for it.

Destroy Ed Hardy And Clothe The Homeless

The folks at the Super Top Secret advertising firm are taking any Ed Hardy or Affliction t-shirt you send them and donating the clothing to the homeless. We like to keep our bird/stone ratio pretty solid here at 2ov, so the possibility of lowering the global douchebag quotient and helping out the lower-income brackets appeals.