One of my social co-ordinators informed me of something that should be investigated. Apparently ‘Po na na’ (my choice of pre-going-out-drinks venues (along with Osaka (Dharma’s boy))) had launched a vibe for Tuesday nights involving the screening of a movie. I went along with the plan.
We scurried along on Tuesday night and, upon arrival, were ushered to a little room. Surrounding the room were six little ‘booths’. The booths basically split up a 30 seater sofa with a little table in each section. We kicked off our shoes and watched ‘The Incredibles’ over a few toots and pizza. Excluding booze, the entry and pizza is R35 a head. Not a bad vibe for a Tuesday. Not a bad vibe for rainy weather. Not a bad vibe for Winter. There’s a new movie every week until January.
And right there, just like that, Po na na cornered the Tuesday night market.