Monday, February 10, 2025

September 11, 2008


Jeepers, this is quite Hectique! Paul C sent this in with the subject “Check this link out (Heavy).”

I enjoyed the heavy vibe in brackets and jumped to it.


That’s all I can say. Yu, yu, yu!


Click here for


The welcome page announces:


One day in 2007, after yet another nasty breakup, I was paging through a Cosmopolitan in search of a little bit of comfort when I happened upon an article about a website in the US. The website featured women who have suffered, much like I have, from the antics of the bottom feeders of the male food chain, they been subjected to bad treatment by these poor specimens of manliness. The website offered them the opportunity to go and list warnings about these no good men to their sisters. They could also contact and talk to one another and help each other heal from their bad experiences.

What was I thinking at the time? Damn, we could do with something like that here!


The website encourages scorned women out there to send in photographs and information on guys that have cheated, beated and lied to them. Yes, you heard that correctly, there are even photo’s of guys with descriptions about beatings.

I swear.

The one I read (with picture):


The evening I was rescued by my parents and the police, he was trying to set me alight. He held me hostage with a butchers knife, I was numerously burnt with sigarets, pinched, punched, kicked and dragged across the floor. He even cut me with peices of glass.

Men like these screw around with your mind making you believe you deserve this kind of abuse. I last saw him in the Boksburg Area, but please Ladies, be aware.



You can check out the list of guys on the Profile Search page.

As I said – it’s all pretty hard core. I doubt it’ll be around for very long.

Glad they don’t have a spanking section..