The child – born in 1981 – who heads up the ANC Youth League has been described in this weekend’s Sunday Times as a ‘Village Idiot.’ Hilarious! This after he “called the 2010 Fifa World Cup an “imperialist activity” which brought people to SA for the purpose of exploitation,” when welcoming the organising committee of the 17th World Festival for Youth and Students.” But it’s not a discussion of this utterance that I wish to cover here..
You see, that is the mistake that our press makes with this buffoon – they readily discuss his utterances. Rather, I wish to bestow massive props to COPE for coming up with that particular reference for Julius Malema – Village Idiot. Indeed he is. Although it is somewhat cruel to be calling someone a village idiot, when they are but a child.
Keep that in mind the next time you get worked up about what he says. It’s irelevant – the only problem is ‘traditional’ media’s obsession with printing every ridiculous thing that comes out of his face.