A belated TBG sighting has made its way to my desk, as we take a moment to reflect, again, in the glory that is the great TBG (Tall Blonde Guy). This time it was Dave, from Cape Town, whose life changed forever..
Let’s check it out:
Hi guys,
Hope you are both keeping well!
I had the sheer honour of meeting the TBG at the SA Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition party on Saturday night.
I asked him what he really did for a living, his answer: “I make lives better!”
My fiancé then met him and his first words to her were: “Congratulations on your engagement!” How the hell did he know?
Totally finished,
Dave B
How did he know? How the hell do you think he knew? We will NEVER know – such is the glory of the TBG.
Look closely at his face. How incredible is this man? He is clearly not of this earth.
That smile.
Those teeth.
Those eyes.
That hair.
The man is a living legend..