Sunday, February 16, 2025

December 6, 2010

Silly Season Tips From Kevin Laye

Kevin who? Kevin Laye - the guy who wrote Positive Drinking: Control The Alcohol Before It Controls You! We don’t know much about Kevin other than that he’s a hypnotist and the last time he had a jol was in 1962. In his book he runs us through a range of techniques of how to stay sober when you feel a party coming on. Here are some of the highlights.


Before you go out for the night, take a few moments to set up a drinking ­strategy. Run through a few cause-and-effect (e.g. if you stop when you’ve had enough, you’ll have a great time; if you don’t, it may get messy).

Or keep it simple. Start with a few beers and work your way to the strong stuff.


If your great weakness is a drink at the end of the day to help you unwind, try this alternative relaxation technique.

Take your index finger and find the outside edge of the eye socket bone, then rub down and along the bone until you find a dip in the bone – a ‘V’ or ‘U’ shape.

Put your second finger next to the first, so you have a finger tip each side of the dip in the bone, and lightly trace a circle inwards with a little bit of pressure. Do this 10 times or so.

Now pour yourself a drink with your free hand. Do this 12 times or so.


Sadly, the Christmas season is heavily populated by dominant types who may want to get drunk and drag you along with them.

Be strong, and if you don’t want an extra drink, ­simply shake your head from side to side and say ‘No’.

This one doesn’t work with a funnel in your mouth.


The body has an intrinsic sense of what is acceptable for it to ingest or inhale and what isn’t. If you’re not sure whether or when to stop drinking, ask your body if the next drink is a good idea.

Often your body will respond with a hiccup or a soft burping noise. This means the next drink is an awesome idea.

*Extracted from Positive Drinking: Control The Alcohol Before It Controls You! by Kevin Laye.