We all have our lapses of judgment. But some of us make such horrendously poor decisions that one simply has to ask, “What were they on?”. Every week we bring you three contenders in what can only be described as a battle of small wits. So, with great pleasure we present this week’s three La Fee Absinthe-Minded Moment of the Week finalists. Inside we have Casey Anthony, News of the World, and David Cameron. But who claims the prize for the most mindbogglingly foolish tomfoolery of the week? Click through to find out!
Third place – Casey Anthony
Did Casey Anthony get away with murder? This is a question that we may never get the answer to, unfortunately. Anthony, 25, was acquitted, on Tuesday, of killing her 2-year-old daughter Caylee in 2008 but, on Thursday, received the toughest possible punishment for providing false information to law enforcement during the investigation. Ironically, she will be released a free woman on Wednesday next week for the 1 043 days she has already spent behind bars since her arrest. The prosecution was to seek the death penalty if she was found guilty, and alleged that the mother smothered Caylee with duct tape on June 16, 2008, drove around for several days with Caylee’s body in her car trunk, and then dumped the remains in woods near the Anthony family home. The defense argued that Caylee died in an accidental drowning in the family’s backyard pool.
Second place – David Cameron
David Cameron has finally addressed the matter concerning his mate, Andy Coulson, who was coincidentally Cameron’s press spokesperson, before resigning in January this year. He announced at a press conference earlier today that a judicial inquiry into phone hacking and newspaper payments to police will go ahead, and a second inquiry will examine media ethics and culture amongst the British press as a whole. This should’ve happened on Monday, David, when you first learned that a dead girl’s phone was hacked into and your man was on editorial watch at the News of the World, while similar hacking was taking place. Well done for accepting responsibility for your bad judgement, David.
The Winner – News of the World
Without a doubt this week’s winner is the News of the World. The British tabloid has, for many years, enjoyed being the most read English language newspaper the world had seen. That was until everything crumbled around it amid the now infamous phone tapping revelations. For 168 years the tabloid prospered by selling scandal, crime and titillation to the masses but will publish its last edition this Sunday after being shut down yesterday. There probably won’t be any advertising in it either because every corporate in their right mind had pulled their advertising space before the paper even closed – this is despite the fact that a promise was made to donate any advertising revenue generated in the last edition to charities. Did the wrong redtop bite the dust when the Murdochs decided to axe the paper and not the infamous ex-editor Rebekah Brooks, who had already admitted in 2003 that police had been paid off? Certainly, everybody involved was consuming a large amount of absinthe.