Single Ticket Wins Europe’s Biggest Ever Lottery Jackpot – A single British ticket holder has scooped the biggest ever lottery jackpot in Europe, winning a staggering £161 million in the Euromillions draw. The ticket holder now becomes the 430th richest person in the country. The winning numbers were 17, 19, 38, 42 and 45, and the Lucky Stars were 9 and 10. National Lottery officials confirmed the winning sum was the biggest ever lottery prize win throughout Europe. [telegraph]
Murdoch Faces BSkyB Defeat – Rupert Murdoch will today face the humiliation of the Commons issuing a unanimous all-party call for his scandal-ridden News Corporation to withdraw its £8bn bid for BSkyB, the great commercial prize he has been pursuing to cement his dominance of the British media landscape. [guardian]
Murdoch To Testify – Rupert Murdoch’s once-commanding influence in British politics seemed to dwindle to a new low on Tuesday, when all three major parties in Parliament joined in support of a sharp rebuke to his ambitions and a parliamentary committee said it would call him, along with two other top executives, to testify publicly next week about the growing scandal enveloping his media empire. [nytimes]
News Corp. To Repurchase $5Billion In Stock – Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp., whose share price has fallen nearly 15 percent amid a spiraling telephone-hacking scandal in Britain, announced a $5 billion stock repurchase plan on Tuesday. News Corp. said its board of directors had approved a plan to increase the $1.8 billion remaining in its current stock buyback program to $5 billion. [afp]
Malema Spokesperson Slated For Telling Journalist ‘Fuck You And Fuck Off” – It is “unacceptable” for anyone speaking on behalf of the ANC to swear to get their point across, ANC chairperson Baleka Mbete said on Tuesday. She was responding to questions about ANC Youth League spokesperson Floyd Shivambu who reportedly said “fuck you” to a journalist who called him about a story. [news24 + audio]
Road-Rage Cyclist Assault Caught On Camera [Video] – A cyclist has posted footage online of a road-rage assault on his friend in an attempt to catch the attacker. Simon Page, 49, was punched in the head by a car driver in Bexley High Street, Bexley, south-east London. Mr Page was one of seven cyclists riding from Dover to London in training for a charity ride to Paris when the attack happened. [bbc]
New Facebook Game Let’s You Win Actual Gold – The fantasy trading game ‘The Great American Express Gold Rush’ was launched on Facebook today with a prize fund of over £20,000, including the grand prize of gold bullion worth £10,000. Players of all skill levels can compete with one another in daily trading challenges, buying and selling gold all over the world. [telegraph]
Bill Clinton Has Made $75 Million On Speeches – Former president Bill Clinton enjoyed his most lucrative year ever on the speaking circuit in 2010, capping a decade of paid speaking events that has earned him $75.6 million since leaving office in 2001, according to a CNN analysis of federal financial records. [cnn]
Gaddafi Aides Hint That He Will Step Down – French Foreign Minister Alain Juppé said Col. Moammar Gadhafi’s emissaries had come here saying Libya’s strongman was ready to step down, but cautioned that no negotiation had begun to end his 41-year regime. “We are receiving emissaries who are telling us that he’s ready to go,” Mr. Juppé said in an interview Tuesday with France Info radio. “Let’s talk about it.” [wallstreetjournal]
Imogen Heap’s Tech-Infused Gloves Create Music On The Fly – Former 2oceansvibe Radio guest and Grammy Award-winning musician Imogen Heap used her time on the TED Global stage on Tuesday in Edinburgh, Scotland to not just perform, but to demonstrate an entirely new way of creating music. Using a pair of gloves, Heap created a song on the fly — complete with sounds from a multitude of instruments and effects — using only her body movements and hand gestures. [mashable]
Arnold Returns To Big Screen In ‘The Last Stand’ – Arnold Schwarzenegger will test his post-marital scandal popularity by starring in director Ji-Woon Kim’s western action film ‘The Last Stand.’ ‘The Last Stand’ will feature Schwarzenegger as an aging U.S. sheriff. Which brings up the age old question. Does art imitate life? Or vice versa? [csmonitor]
Woman Cuts Off Husband’s Penis – Throws In Garbage – Ever since Lorena Bobbitt cut off half of her husband’s penis and threw it in a field, we’ve all wondered: Can anyone top that? Finally we have an answer: Yes. How? A garbage disposal. On Monday night, police were called to a home in Garden Grove, Calif., over a “medical emergency.” [gawker]
Gorilla Is Given Video Camera – Awesomeness Ensues [Video] – A gorilla at the UK’s Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust was recently given a video camera, and you can see the results in the video up top. Honestly, the gorilla’s cinematography is way more coherent than most action movies. [gawker]
Wi-fi Hacking Neighbour From Hell Sentenced To 18 Years – A Minnesota hacker prosecutors described as a “depraved criminal” was handed an 18-year prison term Tuesday for unleashing a vendetta of cyberterror that turned his neighbors’ lives into a living nightmare. Barry Ardolf, 46, repeatedly hacked into his next-door neighbors’ Wi-Fi network in 2009, and used it to try and frame them for all sorts of things, including child pornography. [wired]
Cape Royale Hotel “30 Days Of Giveaways” Underway – Cape Royale Luxury Hotel and Spa is offering all Facebook members a chance to win prizes in their daily giveaways. Prizes include spa treatments and products, dinners, accommodation and even a helicopter flip! In order to enter the competition all you have to do is “like” their Facebook page and see what our daily competition entails. [facebook]
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