I know a lot of you out there are big fans of the butter flavoured Act II popcorn, but I must say, I’m a plain salted man. That’s before I get home and prepare for another screening of Mad Men or the latest US iTunes movie. And by prepare, I am of course referring to one of the great loves of my life, Robertsons Salt & Vinegar seasoning.
I’ve spoken to you before (here) about this particular flavour, which is so good one wonders why it is so hard to find. Maybe it’s a secret deal someone has made with the movie houses? Because the salt & vinegar flavour seasoning for popcorn at the cinema is the only reason I used to go.
I haven’t been to the cinema in over a year. The combincation of ACT II popcorn, Robertson’s Salt & Vinegar sprinkle and a US iTunes account (get yours here) gives me no reason to leave home.
Try it.
All of it.
You’ll never turn back!