Everyone knows that if you visit a site that’s a little dodgy, the chances are you’re going to end up downloading something dodgy, probably without your knowledge. Internet security company McAfee has just released its list of celebrities most likely to be used as a bait-and-switch, and Emma Watson is top of the list.
Fraudsters use celebrities to lure unsuspecting Internet users to their sites, which then allows them to steal your personal information or load malicious software onto your machine. How they do this isn’t specified, but I’d imagine it’s some sort of evil hacker magic, probably a variation on Wingardium Leviosa.
This is the sixth study that McAfee has released on celebs, with last year’s title going to Heidi Klum. According to their analysis, if you’re searching for Emma Watson, you’ve got about a one in eight chance of ending up somewhere dodgy.
Other celebs to avoid include Jessica Biel, Eva Mendes, Selena Gomez and Halle Berry, which I consider to just be good general life advice.
[Source: Washington Post]