Everybody knows the the people at News Of The World are a bunch of lying, hacking, no-good, low-lifes – but it needs to be proven in court before any punitive action can be taken. And now, former News International (NOTW’s parent company) chief executive, Rebekah Brooks, stands accused by the prosecution of orchestrating a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice by using News International employees and resources to hide or destroy notebooks, computers and emails that would prove that NOTW had repeatedly broken the law.
It seems as if Rebekah and her mates orchestrated an extremely elaborate cover-up mission called ‘Operation Blackhawk’, to try and conceal the gross journalistic misconduct at NOTW. The complexity of the cover-up mission would suggest that these guys were trying to hide some seriously dirty details.
Evidence was reportedly removed from NOTW offices, and then returned to Brooks under the guise of a pizza delivery. Funnily, the security operative/pizza delivery guy then quoted the 1968 World War II movie Where Eagles Dare in a message to Brooks:
“Broadsword calling Danny Boy. Pizza delivered and the chicken is in the pot”. To which Brooks replied with “F—king amateurs! We should have done a DLB [Dead Letter Box] or brush contact on the riverside!”
It is also alleged that Brooks had millions of emails deleted from her account – emails which spanned her entire career at NOTW up until January 2010 when she was ‘promoted’ to chief executive of News International.
If any justice exists, Brooks will be behind bars for a very, very long time.
[Source : The Daily Beast]