Thursday, January 23, 2025

Jack White Made A Record In 4 Hours

Moat of us think of the process of recording a world-class in-studio album as being, well, a lengthly process. Right? apparently not if your name is Jack White. In the most stupefying manner, it has come out that this prodigy did in fact write and record an entire album in 4 hours. This is in fact a world record – not surprisingly.

White and co. recorded “Lazaretto” and the Elvis Presley cover “Power of My Love,” and then drove the vinyl to Nashville’s United Record Pressing (URP), and released the record to the public  all in the time frame of 4 hours on April 19.

Scott Potts is a New Orleans-based audio engineer and according to his wealth of knowledge on the subject, it is seriously difficult to produce anything half-decent without hours spent in the studio engaging in activities known as mixing, mastering, dubbing, and other activities with descriptive titles only decipherable in an audiophiles vocabulary.

Jack White, however, who is known for his meticulous manner in writing and producing music is lucky in that he enjoys a studio in the heart of Nashville and gets to work alongside URP and Nashville Record Productions’ audio engineer extraordinaire George Ingram. It was apparently Ingram’s idea to go for the 4 hour record, and admittedly, it did take a few months of actual planning to get to the point where creating an album in 4 hours would actually be possible.

For all the details on how White was able to execute such a feat, click HERE 

[SOURCE] The Daily Beast

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