Donald Sterling landed up in the dwang, after his racist conversation hit the internet. But that’s nothing compared to this police chief who STANDS BY his comments, saying that Barack Obama is a “fucking nigger.” Lovely stuff..
This, from
The incident, allegedly involving police Commissioner Robert Copeland, happened in a local restaurant in early March, Jane O’Toole of Wolfeboro said. But only in recent days has it become an issue that’s drawing wider interest.
O’Toole said she plans to attend the Wolfeboro Police Commission meeting tonight and to call for Copeland to resign. She and others are also prepared to request a recall if he refuses to step down. Sixteen other people have committed – through a Facebook page organized around the meeting – to attend.
She said the incident happened at Nolan’s Brick Oven Bistro. It was March 6 – O’Toole said she remembers because it was the same day she had an appointment at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, marking eight years as cancer-free.
While she was finishing up a celebratory dinner, a man sitting nearby at the bar said loudly that he hates watching television, because every time he turns it on, he sees “that f—— n—–.”
As she left the room, she asked him whether he was “throwing the n-word around,” O’Toole said. “He sort of swung around and puffed up his chest and said, ‘Yeah,’ and . . . I said, ‘Not good, not good at all.’ ”
Since then, the police commissioner has been anything but apologetic.
“While I believe the problems associated with minorities in this country are momentous, I am not phobic. My use of derogatory slang in reference to those among them undeserving of respect is no secret. It is the exercise of my 1st Amendment rights,” it read. “I believe I did use the ‘N’ word in reference to the current occupant of the Whitehouse (sic). For this I do not apologize – he meets and exceeds my criteria for such.”
[more here]
Wow, some really progressive stuff there, straight out of the United States.
Sorry, I should clarify – I’m referring to the united states of AMERICA.