Ladies and gentlemen, may we introduce Armand du Plessis. Why? Because yesterday he snapped up the title of Mr. South Africa, and I guess we’re supposed to care about these kinds of things.
Armand, a 25-year-old law graduate hailing from the busting metropolis of Krugersdorp, beat off some stiff competition in the form of Morne Marais and Sibusiso Sibanda to claim the title. This followed a gruelling 12-month evaluation of their leadership and interpersonal skills.
Listing photography and travelling as two of his passions, Armand aimed big with his favourite quote. This from TimesLive:
The sky has never been the limit. We are our own limits. It’s then about breaking our personal limits and outgrowing ourselves to live our best lives.
Inspirational stuff, especially the bit about limits.
In all seriousness though well played mate and congrats on nabbing the R500 000 worth of sponsors’ products. Krugersdorp has never been prouder.