There is not a man on this planet who doesn’t wince every time he sees another man get hit in the nutsack region. We might have a sneaky giggle but we have all been there brother, we feel your pain.
So as the list of men in need of a penile transplant grows it is no surprise that donors are slowly coming forward, although as it stands the demand still far outweighs the supply. Whilst requests have come in from around the globe it is here at home that we have the greatest demand. This from News24:
There is a greater need in South Africa for this type of procedure than elsewhere in the world, as many young men lose their penises every year due to complications from traditional circumcision,..
[Professor André van der Merwe, head of Stellenbosch University’s Division of Urology] said the main problem was to find donors.
The problem is that many families do not want to send those men who have passed away to the afterlife sans genitals, as well as the fact that donors need to match blood type and ‘have similar genetic material to the recipient’.
I wonder of we will see some kind of underground trade in male anatomy springing up in response to the demand. It’s a horrid thought but we have seen stranger and more vile occurences on our shores before.
And to answer the question you have all been thinking those going under the knife will have to be prepared to receive a penis from a different race group, although the skin can be replaced with other skin or tattooed.
Tattooed you say? Cue some boytjie in Jozi getting a roaring tiger on his with barbed wire running along the ridge. Klapped it boet.