Friday, February 14, 2025

March 23, 2015

WATCH: They Reckon The Pope Just Performed A Miracle [Video]

What act did Pope Francis perform that can only be explained as the work of a higher power? Water to wine, healing the blind, it must be something exceptional right?

Pope Francis has been racking up some serious air-miles of late and everywhere he goes he is met by adoring crowds. Then again, he is a breath of fresh air in the Catholic Church and once worked as a bouncer growing up in Argentina so we’re pretty fond of him too.

Now I get that some people want to blow smoke up his behind but give the above video a watch and tell me if you think Pope Francis is performing miracles. Or you could ask the Cardinal of Naples, who called it a miracle when a vial of blood belonging to St. Gennaro liquified in the Pope’s presence.

Call me old-fashioned but I prefer it when people in wheelchairs get up and boogie or someone turns water into wine – the bar has been set a little higher.
