Ah isn’t it wonderful when you’re walking in a foreign country and you suddenly hear a South African accent? It’s a magical moment. Sometimes you haven’t heard one in months. Clearly two of our South African exports, Sharlto Copley and Tanit Phoenix, felt the same and, since hearing one another’s voices, have clung onto each other.
It’s no secret the two have been seeing each other for a while (since 2012, actually), but this is the first time I’ve really taken notice. Here they are in Maui, Hawaii, frolicking in the water.
30-year old Tanit, a GQ/FHM/Marie Claire/Sports Illustrated/Maxim cover star was looking happy and relaxed with 41-year old Sharlto. Although who wouldn’t on the beaches of Hawaii…
The two were also arm in arm at the New York CHAPPiE premier in early March.
Don’t forget that Tanit appeared in the endearing Spud. We can only count the days until Sharlto and her star in the same movie.
[Source: The Daily Mail]