Friday, February 14, 2025

Here’s A Fish Driving A Remote-Controlled Car [Video]

Whilst this little guy might not be ready for the open road just yet some scientists have created a fish-friendly mode of transport. No, it's not a tank.

Have you ever looked into a fish tank, seen the poor creatures swimming around aimlessly and thought surely they must want more out of life?

No, me neither, but apparently some computer whizzes out there believe that goldfish harbour a secret hankering for hitting the road. Here’s Business Insider with the breakdown:

Studio diip has given fish the opportunity to do what they’ve been wanting to do for years, explore the world beyond the limits of their tank. By using a camera and computer vision software, Studio diip has made it possible for a fish to control a robot car over land.

Now scientists have proven that goldfish actually have a memory of three months (as opposed to the oft-thrown around three seconds) but even so I don’t know if they are quite ready for the open road. Then again, the way some of the taxis around these parts weave in and out of traffic they couldn’t do much worse.

I have a feeling that goldfish could use a feature like THIS. Let’s be honest, most of us could use the MINI-assist. 
