Ooooo, Donald Trump’s Hollywood star has been vandalised and the spray painted symbol just might be a commentary on his last electoral rhetoric. You know, that stuff he has been saying about passes, walls and bombs. A photograph posted to Reddit on Friday showed showed Donald’s Hollywood Walk of Fame star with a swastika symbol.
Trump received the honour in 2007 for producing and hosting the NBC reality TV show, The Apprentice and in all the time the Hollywood stars have existed, no one has ever seen that kind of hate act before.

Yet since Trump began his campaign, his stance on a few things has seen him likened to Hitler. He was even slapped over a swastika and pasted beneath a bridge in Atlanta.

People in the know were quick to opt for the option that the offender may have been wishing ol’ Trump good luck as the swastika was in a counterclockwise direction.
Damn fool.
[source: huffingtonpost]