Tuesday, January 14, 2025

June 28, 2017

The Collective Nouns For Some Of Africa’s Animals Are Pretty Outrageous

Herd, pack, flock - these are all collective nouns most of us are familiar with. But what do you call a bunch of aardvarks, and how about lemurs?

Next time you’re anywhere near the bush and you feel like starting an argument, ask people to rattle off animals and their collective nouns.

You’ll more than likely find a few answers that the group won’t agree on, so how about we settle this once and for all?

The team at Rhino Africa have scoured the internet to help you be the know-it-all around the fire, so stock these in the memory bank for later use.

Our favourites from their pretty extensive list:

An armoury of aardvarks
A shrewdness of apes
A coalition of cheetahs
A cartload of chimpanzees
A quiver of cobras
A bask of crocodiles
A murder of crows
A convocation of eagles
A herd/parade/memory of elephants
A leash of foxes
A flamboyance of flamingos

Fair play to the flamingo, they are owning that name:

As you were:

A tower/journey of giraffes
A band of gorillas
A cast of hawks (general)
A kettle of hawks (in flight)
A boil of hawks (spiraling)
A bloat of hippos
A cackle of hyenas
A leap of leopards
A conspiracy of lemurs
A parliament of owls
A pandemonium of parrots
A prickle of porcupines
An unkindness of ravens
A crash of rhinos
A venue of vultures
An implausibility of wildebeest
A dazzle of zebras

A parliament of owls is a winner, and our lemur friends have a pretty gangster name too.

Pity about the bad rap for ravens and crows but hey, life is unfair.



2ov Radio

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