Sunday, January 26, 2025

October 27, 2017

“Serial Killers Are Lame, Mass Murderers Are The Cool Kids” – Inside Adam Lanza’s Jaw-Dropping Online Life

In December 2012 Adam Lanza walked into Sandy Hook Elementary School and killed 26 people, including 20 kids aged between six and seven. Turns out the warning signs were there.

Maybe Adam Lanza’s name doesn’t ring a bell right off the bat, but I’m pretty sure you’ve heard about the Sandy Hook shooting, right?

Back in 2012 Lanza killed 20 first-grade students and six teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, so it doesn’t come as much of a surprise that he had a rather ‘colourful’ online history.

Side note – Alex Jones, that tool from Infowars, thinks the whole thing is a false flag. That’s a man Donald Trump has repeatedly praised.

Back to Adam and his online behaviour, with more from the Daily Beast:

…a newly released cache of FBI documents show Lanza was obsessed with school shootings, particularly Columbine. An internet acquaintance told the FBI about Lanza’s disturbing history online, including his Tumblr accounts. Those accounts were homages to previous school shooters, complete with graphic collages of Columbine victims…

“I’m still waiting for a mass shooter who eschews 9mm pistols and instead buys an AK-47 pistol, 30 30-round magazines, and 1000 hollow points,” Lanza posted in a forum about the Columbine High School shooting in January 2011.

That’s one of the more PC pictures from the Sandy Hook attack above, but just try and fathom that terror?

Lanza posted on various forums under the name “Smiggles”, and if you track that user’s comments then the picture gets very dark, very quickly:

Lanza described dreaming about Columbine in his sleep in one forum post. His internet acquaintance told investigators that Lanza had posted about Columbine dreams on at least two other occasions on his two Tumblr accounts…

In one post, shared on both accounts, Lanza shared a graphic collage of corpses bodies from Columbine. In another post, on the Queerforkimveer account, Lanza shared a series of pictures of the Virginia Tech murderer.

[Columbine shooter Dylan] Klebold appeared to be one of Lanza’s favorite [sic] killers. In a late 2011 forum post, Lanza conceded that Klebold’s conspirator Eric Harris was “a monster,” but appeared to express some sympathy for Klebold, whom some investigators have described as a depressive bullying victim, as opposed to Harris, who has been described as a calculating psychopath.

By now the red flags are all there, but there’s still worse to come:

Lanza’s acquaintance, who described him as “the weirdest person online” told investigators that Lanza was “working on a list, or spreadsheet, meticulously documenting the details of hundreds of spree killings and mass murders.”

…Official reports released in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook shooting described Lanza as being bullied as a child. But online, he seemed to admire mass-murderers.

“Serial killers are lame,” Lanza wrote as Smiggles. “Everyone knows that mass murderers are the cool kids.”

Idiots will be idiots online, and not every troll spewing out hate is a mass shooter to be, but that above is just plain disturbing.

Lanza eventually destroyed his hard drive and deleted much of his online presence. Just a month later he obtained the high-power rifles he had spoken about admiring, killed his mother, strolled into an elementary school and gunned down children and teachers for sport.

He then shot himself in the head as first responders began to arrive.

But hey, guns make America safer – just ask the NRA.
