Thursday, February 6, 2025

December 13, 2017

Best Photos We Could Find Of Markus Jooste’s Alleged Mistress – Berdine Odendaal

In case you missed it, Berdine Odendaal is the talk of the town. As news of Markus Jooste's not so secret affair does the rounds, we did some snooping.

So they reckon Markus Jooste is tapping one times Berdine Odendaal – a 34-year-old from Paarl.

That’s right – according to HuffPo the two are more than just friends, and she seems to be living a life of leisure, not too dissimilar to someone from the 1920s.

She has the perfect setting for her bikini-clad, seemingly perfect life: a luxury apartment in Bantry Bay with a glass-walled pool right next to the ocean; a yacht sailing joyfully along in the Mediterranean on one of her polo holidays in Europe.

34-year-old Berdine Odendaal seems to spend her days on a horse, smoking and reading books while living the good life at the pristine Val de Vie Polo estate near Paarl, where she owns several properties, and a luxury apartment in Bantry Bay.

Yachts sailing ‘joyfully’, you say, while she reads books and smokes? My God, does life get any better?

This is all apparently funded by the disgraced ex-head of Steinhoff, Markus Jooste.

“Everybody talked about the girlfriend who he flew around in choppers,” said a source in their social circle.

She allegedly lives in the Bantry Bay apartment, which is linked to Jooste. According to records at the deeds office, Odendaal and Jooste also share the same post office box in Pretoria: PO Box 17328, Groenkloof, Pretoria. Jooste, his wife Ingrid and Odendaal also list the same PO Box in Somerset-West: PO Box 902, Somerset Mall.

As to what she does besides smoking cigarettes and watching ‘joyful’ yachts:

Odendaal is a fixture in polo circles and has competed in Argentina, while also attending social events linked to the sport in the rich man’s playground of St Tropez, France.

Jooste is a big player on the local horse racing scene. He has said that he owns between 200 and 250 racehorses and has a stake in a stud farm called Klawervlei near Bonnievale in the Western Cape.

Odendaal was contacted by Media24 about the nature of her relationship with Jooste, a married father of three, but declined to provide details. She twice replied, “no comment”, when asked about Jooste and the property in Bantry Bay. Jooste was also contacted by phone and WhatsApp, but did not respond.

Still not clear as to what she does – but this becomes apparent with this paragraph:

According to impeccable sources the Stellenbosch set knew about Jooste’s affair.

Odendaal wasn’t exactly hiding her lifestyle.

Those who know Odendaal saw her drive a customised silver Bentley and white Ferrari and they spoke about her two Argentinian polo ponies.

She does not appear to work.

If you were to compare Berdine’s asset portfolio to Jooste’s wife, Ingrid, there seems to be a vast difference.

Odendaal, who has 10 properties registered in her name at Val de Vie, allegedly calls Bantry Bay home. 

Stefan Potgieter, Jooste’s son-in-law who manages his affairs through a company called Mayfair Speculators, confirmed that Jooste has “an arrangement” with a friend of his who owns an apartment in Bantry Bay.

“I don’t know who lives in the apartment. I merely manage the property on behalf of Coy’s Properties, that is owned by Malcolm King, a friend of Jooste,” Potgieter said.

Coy’s Properties owns an apartment in Bantry Bay bought for R21.5-million in 2012. It has the same address Odendaal has listed as her residential address.

Potgieter explained that he had “never met Odendaal” and that he knew nothing about her.

“I only make sure that the asset [the apartment] is taken care of and that Coy’s Properties, on behalf of King, receives rental income. The arrangements around the apartment is Jooste’s private business.”

Jooste’s wife, Ingrid, on the other hand, only appears to own one townhouse in Stellenbosch, which was bought in May this year for R2.7-million.

Shame, man.

Here are the best pictures we could find of Berdine on the internet.

Berdine Odendaal bikini vibes


Berdine Odendaal surveys the Atlantic Seaboard with a touch of ‘side boob’


Earlier that day, Berdine Odendaal surveyed the Atlantic Seaboard again – this time in a bikini


Berdine Odendaal on a spread of white linen


Berdine Odendaal canning herself besides some expensive chardonnay


Berdine Odendaal with her stunning Cartier watch


Berdine Odendaal seems to have more than one watch


Berdine Odendaal – Performing a basic lunge


Berdine Odendaal displays an impressive gait


Berdine Odendaal – pensive
