For 12 years, Graham Holland was unable to access a flat he was renting to a tenant.
He wasn’t all that bothered, because 68-year-old Michael Grant was polite and always paid his rent on time.
After Grant suddenly moved out, saying he was suffering from “issues” (he has subsequently died), Holland found out exactly why he had been banned from the home.
Sharing pictures of the scene, Holland was disgusted when he walked into his flat mid last year, report The Sun.
Beer cans, cigarette stompies and porn magazines weren’t only littered on the floor, but were piled so high and so thick he couldn’t see where the furniture started and ended.
The 56-year-old electrician explained that:
“It was certainly a shock. The floor was absolutely filled with junk. It was unbelievable the amount of cans and packets on the floor.
‘I honestly thought I was in a horror film.’
See for yourself:
“When I saw the mess I was expecting rats and spiders to come crawling out but we didn’t find one bug.”
“He obviously went to the fish and chip shop a lot because there were bits of fish on one side of the room and then black, rock-hard chips on the other. It was absolutely disgusting.
“We started to clear it but had to give up after a couple of days because there was just so much of it.”
Holland continued:
“He was always so nice and friendly when he first moved into the property.
“But Michael soon became very hard to get hold of and when the letting agent wanted to view the flat he was not very willing.
“He was extremely grumpy about it, but we didn’t bother chasing him because he always paid his rent on time.
“His argument for the accumulation of rubbish was that the woman in the ground floor flat had locked the gate – so couldn’t take the rubbish down.
“That is not true.”
Here’s Holland pictured amongst the mess:
And the trash that was eventually removed:
Every man has been guilty of the odd loo roll strewn next to the toilet, but there’s a line and this chap more than crossed it.
[source: thesun]