Wednesday, February 19, 2025

May 10, 2018

You’ve Seen Stormy Daniels Posing As The Virgin Mary, Right?

Stormy Daniels has made a very successful career out of baring it all, so you can bet that a shoot like this is going to irk many religious folks.

My word, this is going to rile those American evangelical Trump supporters.

(Not his serial cheating or lack of basic human decency, though, because that doesn’t seem to matter at all.)

Way back in 2002, before she had done the deed with Donald, Stormy Daniels posed as the Virgin Mary during a shoot with artist Nika Nesgoda.

She wasn’t the only adult film star to do so, because Nesgoda recreated a number of iconic paintings of the Virgin Mary using adult film actors as models.

We’ll look at Stormy’s pic first:

Pretty lowkey, really.

Back then Stormy was just another adult film actress, but of course that’s all changed over the past few months.

She’s even headlining Saturday Night Live these days, issuing stern warnings to the president.

TIME nailed it here:

This was long before a site called Pornhub had 28.5 billion visits a year, and before we talked about Game of Thrones sex scenes over dinner, and certainly before we had a President admitting on Twitter to paying hush money to a porn star just before commemorating the National Day of Prayer in the Rose Garden (where he said, rather hopefully: “America is a nation of believers, right?”).

Let’s look at a few others from the artist’s series, and bonus points if you can name the adult film actress:

Do your research on your own time.

Nesgoda was pretty taken with Stormy from the start:

Nesgoda thought Stormy had the elusive quality necessary to recreate a famous Annunciation scene from a 1333 Italian altar painting by Simone Martini and Lippo Memmi. In it, the Virgin Mary looks “intelligent and as though she’s seen some things,” says Nesgoda. “Stormy’s eyes carry a lot of depth, which was perfect for this image. I was struck by the timelessness of her beauty. She really looked like she could have stepped out of the 14th century.”

That’s exactly what drew Donald to her, you know.

Well, that and some of her other assets.
