Thursday, February 13, 2025

Morgan Freeman Seems To Be Digging A Deeper Hole For Himself

It's difficult to come back from an investigation that has 16 witnesses backing each other up. Morgan is trying, but it's not going very well.

Nobody likes to see their favourite stars taken to the cleaners, but when you consider the evidence against Morgan Freeman, it’s tough to conclude that he is anything other than a serial sex pest.

16 witnesses, consistent stories, being referred to as “the creepy uncle” – sorry, Morgan, it’s a long way back from that.

Not that he isn’t giving it one hell of a go, because the actor’s attorney, Robert M. Schwartz of Irell & Manella, demanded CNN issue a retraction of their initial apology.

Here’s Deadspin:

In his letter to [CNN chief Jeff] Zucker, Schwartz writes, “It has been said that ‘A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on.’ In just the few days since CNN published the article on Mr. Freeman, it has traveled [sic] all the way around the world and back, millions of times. If CNN has any decency, or any allegiance to journalistic integrity, it will immediate retract the article and issue a public apology to Mr. Freeman.”

Good effort, Schwartz, but CNN ain’t biting. In fact, they’ve issued a strongly-worded statement sticking to their guns, as per the report on ABC:

CNN stands by its reporting on Morgan Freeman in which eight women accused the actor of sexual harassment and inappropriate conduct.

The cable news network responded today to a 10-page letter from Freeman’s attorney Robert Schwartz [below] earlier this week demanding a retraction of the story and an apology.

In its five-page response, CNN wrote that it “stands by its reporting and is prepared to fight aggressively any attempt to intimidate it into silence.”

CNN also dismissed Schwartz’s letter as “designed for press consumption,” saying it does not, “cast any shadow on the central gravamen of CNN’s story — that Morgan Freeman engaged in a pattern of behavior that demeaned and sexualized women, whether or not they were in his employ.”

The cable news network defended reporter Chloe Melas, who co-authored the May 24 report, saying she has received “death threats” since the story was published.

They ain’t backing down, Morgie boy.

More on the fact that the response from Schwartz doesn’t actually contest specific allegations:

CNN’s letter also notes that Freeman “does not challenge reporting that he repeatedly tried to lift the skirt of a young production assistant” nor its reporting that he “massaged a young intern without her consent” and that he “sexualized female attendees at his 79th birthday party.”

Almost like those witnesses, who attested to years and years of troubling behaviour, know what they’re talking about.

When you’re one of the world’s most famous faces, there really is no hiding from allegations such as these.

You can bet there’s more to come on this front as the back and forth letters continue.
