Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Who Are ‘Gatvol Capetonian’, And Why Do They Hate Politicians So Much?

This controversial group has been increasingly vocal in and around the Mother City as of late, but not everybody knows what they're about.

Remember how the meeting about renaming Cape Town International Airport on Monday descended into chaos?

Fadiel Adams, the administrator of the Facebook group Gatvol Capetonian, was one of those who was very vocal at that meeting.  He suggested the airport be renamed Krotoa or Saartjie Baartman, and promised “there will be war if another name is chosen”.

Very controversial words, pal.

But who is Adams, and what exactly is Gatvol Capetonian?

Gatvol Capetonian is a new organisation based on Cape Town, and the name speaks for itself: formed at the end of April, it comprises of “gatvol [fed up] Capetonians” who are sick of “racist” BEE policies, poor service delivery and crime.

It was founded by three coloured men from Cape Town [pictured below, from left to right]: Oscar Lyons is the media liaison, Ebrahiem Davids is the chairperson, and the already-infamous Fadiel Adams is the national spokesperson/Facebook admin.

Per a report by The Citizen:

The group, which already has almost 9 000 followers on Facebook, is not affiliated to any political party, and seems to display a general hatred towards politicians, with their Facebook displaying the slogan, ‘the only good politician is a dead politician’ [as seen in the feature image].

And believe me, they do not like politicians, specifically the government, at all:

While they do not have anything nice to say about either the DA or the ANC, their main venom seems to be aimed at government, as they say they are “suffering at the hands of black oppression and black racism” due to the fact that they “are not ethnically black citizens of this country”.

Bit hectic.

Their main goal is to unite minority groups and lobby for the independence of the Cape, said Lyons:

The actual goal and aim of the organisation is to raise awareness in the coloured community and also the broader minority community – white and Indian as well, about how we’re being mauled over, bootstrapped and everything by the Democratic Alliance, ANC and all of the coalition partners.

But their cause is not being helped by the fact that they’re being hit with claims of racism themselves. Critics have blasted the organisation’s comments about black South Africans coming into Cape Town from the Eastern Cape.

Not a good look, guys.

But Adams reckons that he and Gatvol Capetonian aren’t racist at all:

I am not a racist. We have never shown hatred towards blacks. This is about fairness, justice and equality. We have welcomed people from the Eastern Cape until we discovered they don’t want us here. They want our land.

Right. Not racist at all, then.

No doubt there are many coloured Capetonians who, like members of Gatvol Capetonian, are sick of the current conditions they’re forced to suffer through.

But methinks spouting anti-black remarks, and promising war over an airport’s name, aren’t going to do them any favours.
