Just when you thought that images like the one above would only be seen in Charlottesville, some morons come along and say ‘hold my beer’.
Five Australian university students decided to dress themselves up as members of the Ku Klux Klan, while another one dressed up in blackface as a slave for a “politically incorrect”-themed party on Thursday evening.
Yes, nobody thought to tell them this was not a good idea, and some idiot decided to upload the bloody thing to Instagram.
Also, think of all the effort that went into those outfits, and nowhere along the line someone thought their sheet expenses were getting a little out of hand.
The Guardian reports:
The men, from Charles Sturt University, posted multiple pictures of themselves to social media on Thursday night, as they attended an end-of-semester party at the Black Swan Hotel in Wagga Wagga.
One photo posted to Instagram and since deleted was captioned “very very politically incorrect”. “Cotton prices are unreal though so it’s a great time to be pickin,” it said.
It showed five men in homemade Ku Klux Klan hoods and robes and one man in blackface and body paint, pretending to be a slave.
Who thought this was a good costume idea? Actually, who decided to make the party’s theme a thing, huh?
The Black Swan Hotel claimed in a now-deleted Facebook post that they had no prior knowledge of the racist costumes:
The pub was made aware of an incident unbeknownst to staff. We were unaware of this behaviour happening out the back of the pub, however we have immediately dealt with this.
Um, did the theme of the party not make any sense to you the first time around? Maybe then this whole drama could never have happened.
Andrew Vann, the university vice-chancellor, blasted the students’ actions:
Charles Sturt University will not tolerate this offensive behaviour. It does not reflect our university values and we strongly condemn these actions. CSU is currently investigating these incidents and social media posts.
As for the students in the photo, they haven’t issued any apologies yet. Instead, they’ve deleted their Facebook and Instagram accounts on Friday.
Talk about digging your own graves deeper and deeper.