Just when you think you’ve seen it all…
Yesterday we learnt about how Donald throws Starburst candy at world leaders proving his man-baby credentials once more, and we thought that might be it with the ridiculous antics for a day or two.
Hold my beer, says Melania, who decided to fly to Texas to visit some detained children.
Sounds like a noble thing to do (despite the fact that it’s done entirely for the Fox News audience), but even the fact that she was going to visit children removed from their parents wasn’t reason enough to not be a piece of shit.
No, she had to wear a jacket with a message on the back. Here she is climbing into her car:
What does that say? Well, once you get over the shock that she is wearing a jacket you can buy at Zara for $39, there’s the message itself:
A mother to a child herself, going to visit children forcibly removed from their parents, wearing a jacket that reads ‘I don’t really care, do you?’ – how have we arrived at this point?
I know it’s early, and you’re probably not keen to have your blood boil just yet, but here’s some audio from detention centres.
Perhaps she doesn’t care because she hasn’t listened?
In typical White House fashion, they can’t seem to get their message straight, either.
Here’s Melania’s spokeswoman, Stephanie Grisham, when asked what message the first lady’s jacket intends to send:
It’s a jacket. There was no hidden message. After today’s important visit to Texas, I hope this isn’t what the media is going to choose to focus on.
No hidden message, stupid media, move along.
In comes Donald from left field, who clearly never received that memo:
So no message, but then a message to the ‘Fake News Media’.
Immigration advocate David Leopold gets it:
“It mocks the mothers who have lost their children and it mocks those babies we heard wailing on that tape,” he said, referring to an audio recording of the cries of young children who were separated from their parents. “It’s inexcusable. It’s shameful.”
Amnesty International has a suggestion:
The only thing she has defended is her truly awful husband, time and time again, so she really can go and get fucked with the rest of his administration.