Thursday, February 13, 2025

Wow, These Libraries Are Beautiful [Images]

A new book has been released containing photos of the most stunning libraries around the world. If you're a bibliophile, you're going to love this.

I love books, plain and simple, and the library is the best place to read ’em all up.

Nothing beats sitting in the corner of the library, taking in the sweet scent of that “old book smell” when flipping through the pages, the velvety feel of a hard-cover novel or the anticipation of reading adventure, dramedy and a wee bit of romance that’s right at your fingertips.

If the library was your playground, then you would have an absolute blast strolling through these stunning treasure troves of literature.

As reported by the BBC, a new book, Massimo Listri: The World’s Most Beautiful Libraries, features images taken by Listri of the oldest and finest libraries around the world.

From medieval to 19th-Century institutions and private to monastic collections, these libraries are true heavens on earth for bibliophiles.

Let’s take a stroll through these nirvanas of novels:

1. Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (The Vatican Library) – Rome, Italy

The Vatican Library has its roots in the fourth century CE, although in its current form it was established in the 15th century …

Like most of the vast Vatican complex, the library is a display of the spiritual and temporal influence that has allowed the Vatican to constitute itself as a sovereign state.

In addition to documents spanning much of human history, the library possesses the oldest known manuscript of the Bible. When the librarian shushes you, you might want to listen: he has the rank of cardinal.

2. Stiftsbibliothek Kremsmünster (Kremsmünster Abbey Library) – Austria

Kremsmünster Abbey was founded in 777 CE and its library holdings include the Codex Millenarius, a famous eighth-Century manuscript of the Christian Gospels that depicts Saint Luke as a flying ox (Matthew, Mark, and John are a winged man, lion, and eagle respectively) …

Like many continental libraries, it was (re)built in the popular Baroque style in the 17th century, according to which most surfaces (luckily not including the floor) are subjected to exuberant carving, gilding, and frescoes …

Books as intellectual and cultural capital were once considered as valuable as jewels, and it made sense for them to be stored and displayed in gorgeous jewel boxes.

3. Biblioteca Statale Oratoriana dei Girolamini (The Girolamini Library) – Naples, Italy

The Girolamini library is part of a large complex founded by the Oratorian religious order. The library hall is an imposing space that rises through three elegant stories: two levels of carved wood shelves, topped with late baroque plasterwork and frescoes. The sheer volume of books on display leaves one in no doubt that this is a place of higher study and research, as well as a warehouse of knowledge.

4. Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève (Sainte-Geneviève Library) – Paris, France

Although we know it is probably older, documentary information about this library first appears in 1148. It was founded as a monastic library, survived the calamitous years of the Revolution intact (although the abbey it was a part of was dissolved and turned into a school), and now serves as the Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne university library …

The majestic reading room is like an Industrial Age cathedral; the iron-frame construction brings to mind the other great public cathedrals of the period, the railway stations. In a modern arrangement, desks for readers are at centre stage, with the book stacks standing in graceful attendance.

5. Klosterbibliothek Metten (Metten Abbey Library) – Germany

The Benedictine Abbey at Metten was founded in 766 but was buffeted by the Reformation, war, social unrest, secularisation, and the realpolitik swirling around it. This reached a crescendo in 1803, when the abbey’s property, including its library holdings, were confiscated and auctioned off.

However, under King Ludwig I of Bavaria the abbey was reopened and a new library was established; the site once more became a redoubt of knowledge and education …

Among its breathtaking official reception rooms are the library, which is designed along a sophisticated theological scheme. The result is a densely saturated and surprisingly playful palate of beautiful materials.

6. Stiftsbibliothek Sankt Gallen (Saint Gall Abbey Library) – St Gallen, Switzerland

A Greek inscription above the library’s entrance calls it a ‘sanctuary for the soul’. Today’s library arose during the Baroque remodelling of the abbey in the 18th century by the architect Peter Thumb. The decoration befits a place of great cultural capital.

There is rich, Rococo ornamentation everywhere, and especially in the stucco work. The carved wooden bookcases completely cover the walls on two levels, while the ceiling paintings depict ecumenical councils and church fathers.

7. Stiftsbibliothek Admont (Admont Abbey Library) – Austria

The baroque interior of the 70m-long library hall is made up of seven circular vaults, divided by a large central vault on the ceiling of which is a fresco of ‘Divine Wisdom’ by the artist Altomonte. The rooms are dotted with impressive sculptures by Josef Stammel, who worked for Admont for many years. The books are arranged by subject matter, under corresponding frescoes, in accordance with Enlightenment ideals.

8. Strahovská Knihovna (Strahov Monastery Library) – Prague, Czech Republic

The Premonstratensian Strahov monastery was founded in in 1143 and has survived fire, wars, and plundering. Fortunately the holes torn in its collection have been more than made up for over the years by acquisitions and bequests.

The library is home to the usual array of religious books, including the exquisite Strahov Evangeliary from the ninth century, with semi-precious stones embedded in the binding, but its holdings cover a broad range of topics.

9. Trinity College Library – Dublin, Ireland

Because the university outgrew its first library, a new building was planned by Thomas Burgh. Known as the Old Library, it was begun in 1712 and finished in 1732. It includes a spectacular 65m (215 ft)-long central space known as the Long Room; the original flat roof of the single-storey room was raised in 1858 and replaced with the oak barrel-vaulting that exists today.

The Long Room’s oak shelves hold 200,000 of the university’s most valuable books.

Just incredible.

If you’re thinking of going to any of these, please take me with you.
