Saturday, January 25, 2025

August 16, 2018

Daily Beast’s Brutal Takedown Of Dane Cook’s “Creepy” Relationship With A Teenager

Dane Cook was one of the mid-2000's breakout comedy stars, which is something we all have to live with. His dating habits, on the other hand.

I’ve never found comedian Dane Cook to be funny, but I wouldn’t say I actively dislike him.

Well, maybe a little, but nowhere near as much as Libby Torres, who really went to town in an article on the Daily Beast.

46-year-old Cook’s relationship with Kelsi Taylor, who at 19 is 27 years his junior, has made the news this week, despite the fact that they’ve been dating for more than a year.

No need for me to be nasty about Cook, because Torres has that covered. Here’s how she opens the takedown:

There are some things—Walkmans, frosted tips, and cargo shorts, to name a few—that are best left in the early 2000s where they belong.

Dane Cook is, ostensibly, part of this group. The 46-year-old washed-up comedian hasn’t done anything noteworthy since the days when puka shell necklaces were in vogue—instead spending his time making misogynistic, distasteful jokes (including one mocking victims of the 2012 movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado) whenever he does perform at a venue.

Right, not a fan. I do share that anger with regards to frosted tips, though – can someone have a word with the folks of the Northern Suburbs?

Let’s meet Kelsi before we go any further, who says she is a singer/songwriter in her Instagram bio.

All her account needs is a picture from the top of Lion’s Head, whilst wearing activewear, and she could be any other Cape Town influencer.

She already has the seaside snaps nailed:

Top right picture – throw a penguin in there and that’s Boulders Beach ticked off.

According to Cook, he met Kelsi at a game night he hosted at his place. Game night, you say?

…which begs the question: what kind of circles does a teenage girl have to run in to get invited over to Dane Cook’s house?

Cook was quick to emphasize [sic], however, that the two were “friends for a while” before they began dating. It’s unclear what, exactly, a teenager and a comedian old enough to be her father have in common, but apparently the chemistry between Cook and Taylor (if you could even call it that) was strong enough to lead to a relationship.

When asked during the Instagram Q&A, “What advice do you have to those in age gap relationships?” Cook cheekily replied with, “The only thing you have to do is plan that your deaths will be somewhat far apart.”

He answered a similar question a few weeks ago, saying, “At the end of your life you won’t care how old anyone was or is. You will remember who loved you. Age means zitch it’s a number that has no measurement of what makes your character.”

I suppose that’s true, but as the author points out, it’s also the defence that R. Kelly used when defending his relationship with Aaliyah.

He was 27 when he secretly married the then 15-year-old singer, and he’s still trash today.

To finish, here’s the Daily Beast’s final potshot:

Cook is just the latest in a long-line of gross male celebrities to “find love” with a significantly younger partner. While it’s quite possible that Cook and Taylor do have a genuinely healthy, balanced relationship, reading Cook’s behavior as anything less than creepy is difficult, to say the least.

Dane Cook’s comedy is terrible, and his acting certainly leaves a lot to be desired, and frosted tips and cargo shorts shouldn’t be tolerated in this day and age.

As for these two and their relationship, I guess everyone seems happy enough.
