When I say ‘bloody street fight’, your mind doesn’t immediately jump to Claremont in the Southern Suburbs.
That’s usually the domain of white wine and vanity plates.
And yet, here we are.
A Valentine’s Day party descended into chaos when a massive street fight broke out this past Friday. The participants, bar a few, were all of school-going age.
City of Cape Town law enforcement spokesperson Wayne Dyason said that learners were from different schools, reports News24.
A number of weapons were found, including pangas, and plenty of alcohol was seized at the scene.
Alcohol is reportedly believed to have played a massive role in the brawl.
According to Dyason, five children were stabbed and two were admitted to hospital.
One 19-year-old learner was reportedly stabbed in the abdomen.
In total, News24 reports that at least five people were stabbed, and two people have been arrested.
CapeTalk‘s Kineo Kammies spoke to Western Cape Provincial Minister of Community Safety Alan Winde, who says that around 1 200 pupils were involved.
“It is so worrying that young people come to a celebratory event and bring with them toy guns, pangas and knives”.
Winde goes on to describe the party as “one of those organic Facebook-type parties that get organised”. He further states that the party “does not seem like it was a properly organised event”.
No kidding.
You can listen to the full interview with Winde here: