Sunday, February 16, 2025

February 19, 2019

UK Teen With Rare Condition Goes To Bed, Wakes Up With Surprise Baby

18-year-old Ebony Stevenson can thank a rare condition called uterus didelphys for her surprise baby, in a tale that some women might find terrifying.

You know those horror stories that adults tell kids to scare them off of having sex? This is definitely going in the repertoire.

Once upon a time, 18-year-old Ebony Stevenson from Oldham, in the UK, had a bit of a headache.

She decided to take a nap and, according to BBC, she woke up four days later with a surprise baby.

This isn’t fiction, though, but rather the result of a rare condition called uterus didelphys.

Ladies, you’re going to want to brace yourself for this one, because this story is about to go from ‘cautionary tale that parents will tell their kids’ to ‘ultimate horror story’.

Uterus didelphys is a condition where a woman has two wombs. The one can carry the baby, while the other continues to menstruate.

The horror.

Back to Ebony, who went into a coma during her nap and was rushed to the hospital when she started experiencing seizures. It was then that medics discovered that she was expecting.

The baby-carrying womb was positioned towards her back, so the pregnancy continued unnoticed.

Her mother said: “Despite me insisting she couldn’t be pregnant, the paramedics were certain she was, and to my shock a bump had appeared at her stomach.”

“They think the ferocity of the seizures could have caused the baby to move, making it suddenly visible.”

Ebony underwent an emergency caesarean, and her daughter was born.

The first time mum, who named her daughter Elodie, said the whole experience was “overwhelming to say the least”.

“Meeting my baby was so surreal. It felt like an out-of-body experience,” she said.

“I worried I wouldn’t bond with my daughter because I had no time to get my head around her arrival, but I think she’s amazing.

“It’s an absolute miracle. I wouldn’t change Elodie for the world.”

Two wombs and a surprise baby out of nowhere?

I will never sleep again.
