[imagesource: Twitter / @LLunga18]
In communities where law enforcement falls short, and people are desperate, it’s easy for gangs to grab a strong foothold in the area.
For example, in parts of Cape Town where lockdowns have created a dire need for food relief and other services, gang kingpins have stepped in to fill the void.
Their efforts are not charitable, and in return, community members are forced to hide drug stashes, become mules, or enforce violence between warring gangs.
In Durban, following the recent death of alleged drug kingpin Yaganathan ‘Teddy Mafia’ Pillay (seated in the image above), public executions and other gory scenes played out on the streets, as vengeance was sought.
Carte Blanche dug deeper this past Sunday with a report:
The people of Shallcross have been caught in a violent drug turf war that’s claimed seven lives in drive-by shootings in just 13 months.
In a community where drug lords are said to enjoy the protection of the community and alleged crooked cops, Carte Blanche explores the driving forces that ended in blood on the streets as police appeared ineffective.
When you have public beheadings using an axe, in broad daylight as police watch on, you know you’ve descended into lawlessness.