[imagesource: Amazon]
There’s a lot to unpack regarding the above Wet Farts Potent Ass Fart Spray.
Let’s start with the fact that it says ‘Ages 14+’.
It’s a fart spray, surely the majority of people who want to buy it are going to be, at best, teenagers?
I’m a firm believer in going organic. If you can’t serve it up yourself, don’t bother.
Far be it from me to tell you how to live your life, so let’s head to The Daily Beast for more on the $12 spray:
“Made my girlfriend puke. Perfect,” one reviewer wrote. Wow. Just, wow. Another pleased shopper said: “We got this for our 7 year old for his birthday knowing he would torture his big brothers and have fun. I don’t know what we were thinking. Now WE are also losing years off of our lives by inhaling this foul stench. This stuff is SO good at its job that we have officially hidden his present so we can air out our house.”

After combing through several pages of reviews, I counted several shoppers who claimed the spray was truly vomit-inducing, so purchase at your risk.
Probably don’t get it delivered to the office. You don’t want to sign for this and then have co-workers ask what’s in the box.
With Postbox Courier you can get it delivered to your door without the hassle of customs, too.
Stressed out? Hey, you’re not alone.
Maybe you need the anxiety-reducing butt pillow:
Touted as the “most bootyful pillow for all kinds of sleepers,” this butt-shaped pillow is decidedly unconventional, but plenty of Amazon reviewers seem to think it’s worth the $120.

One reviewer who called the butt pillow their “quarantine companion said: “This product [is] a wonderfully washable, fabulously dress-able, squishable spankable companion that has become my favorite thing to play within the last couple months!”
$120 for a pillow? Little rich for my liking, thanks.
I guess we can’t go an entire post without mentioning something about Russia.
Behold, the Putin shrimp magnet:
This topical find somehow has amassed almost 100 reviews and earned an almost perfect five-star rating. We’re not exactly sure why this item is so popular at the moment, but for just over $5, why not find out for yourself?

As one reviewer put it, “Why would you not want this masterpiece?”
Vlad looks unimpressed.
Maybe somebody told him the Russian economy is cratering and Ukraine is putting on a show of almighty resolve.
Let’s finish with something that may actually be useful in the 21st century given our obsession with technology.
I do my finest Wordle work on the toilet but showers should be tech-free. If you disagree, enter the Waterproof 17 Pocket Shower Curtain Liner:
This “weird” Amazon find is going to be filed under the strange but genius folder. It may not be a necessity, but it is a life upgrade for those of us workaholics who find it hard to spend even just a few minutes away from our inboxes or new moms who want to keep an eye on their baby monitors.

Of course, you can also watch your favorite shows or YouTube videos while you wait for your conditioner to work its magic.
Does one need 17 pockets? How many devices are you intending to take with you?
I’ll admit to propping the laptop up in the bathroom so I can check the cricket score while showering.
Fine, I’m in. Send it to me at once.
A number of the above products don’t actually ship to South Africa. Again, Postbox Courier can assist on that front.
Get on this now and you could be enjoying your wet fart spray by next week.
I’ll do my best not to judge. We’re all 14 at heart.