Friday, February 7, 2025

An Ode To Whisk(e)y: ‘Tis The Season For It

You could argue that it doesn't really matter whether you call it whisky or whiskey just as long as you take it slow and enjoy each sip.

[imagesource: Roxiller / Bigstock]

You could argue that it doesn’t really matter whether you call it whisky or whiskey just as long as you take it slow and enjoy each sip.

In fact, why not just keep things simple and call it whisk(e)y to be safe and open to enjoying the finer things in life, which is what it’s all about at the end of the day, right?

Alas, since this might be somewhat controversial for the aficionados out there – a tip of the hat to you – we’ll take a moment to figure out when to include and do away with that ‘e’.

For that, we will head over to the trusty Britannica for a good old definition analysis.

One cannot simply get away with a spelling error because there’s actually a whole origin story behind the inclusion or exclusion of the “e”.

To put it simply though, “whiskey” – with an ‘e’ – is from the United States and Ireland. While “whisky” – without the ‘e’ – is from Scotland and Canada, which are both well known for their whisk(e)y.

Scotch – a whisky (no ‘e’) – is well regulated and can only be called such if it is entirely produced and bottled in Scotland. There’s also a certain process that goes into that, but that’s a story for another day.

Similarly, bourbon – a whiskey (with ‘e’) – can only be called such if it has been made in the US. Yes, there are also regulations dictating the ingredients and production methods of the spirit.

Now that we’ve got the word games out the way, let’s get into the whisk(e)y enjoying.

Fitch & Leedes, our favourite bespoke mixers, has compiled a list of all the best whisk(e)y-inspired recipes for you to mix up, test out, and push the boundaries of this fine spirit.

Starting off with a classic, Jameson and Lemonade:

For Scotch, try some Glenmorangie and Ginger Ale:

In terms of bourbon, Wild Turkey and Ginger Ale will go down well:

Last but not least, treat yourself to some Johnnie Walker Black Label and Ginger Ale:

Fitch & Leedes has the full range of premium mixers needed to enjoy each unique whisk(e)y to the fullest.

You can also explore recipes via Fitch & Leedes’ Instagram Stories.

‘Tis the season for long sipping, preferably by the fire or with a warm blanket thrown over the legs.
