Sunday, February 9, 2025

People Are Canoeing Around The Streets Of Potchefstroom [Videos]

Some residents had a lot of fun when rivers and dams overflowed into the streets and up to the doorsteps of houses in Potchefstroom.

[imagesource: Instagram / @ancientemperorpotchefstroom]

That up top is supposed to be the grassy lawns of a guest estate on the banks of the Mooi River in Potchefstroom, North West Province.

But because of the extreme rain that fell in the region over the weekend, the rivers and dams overflowed into the streets and up to the doorsteps of houses.

That person at Ancient Emperor Guest Estate is not the only Potchefstroom resident to whip out his canoe to try out Mooi River’s new waterways.

Another local, Inge Klopper Mulder, told SAPeople that residents were canoeing to and fro in the streets and shared a video to prove it:

It might have been all fun and paddling games for some, but for many others, the water at their doorsteps was risky business and emergency services had to get involved to help them.

ER24 had to use boats to take some residents to safety and even ferried one Grade 11 student across the water so that she could write an exam at her school.

The area was completely waterlogged:

North-West University’s sports grounds started to resemble a swimming pool, per Fanie du Toit:

You’ll have to go onto Twitter to see this one, but the golf course also started to look more like a water park:

Welcome to the North West:


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A lot of the water came in from overflowing dams and rivers after the sluice gates were opened:

The South African Weather Service (SAWS) had predicted the heavy rains, which also flooded Potchies in 2019, with the government issuing safety tips in advance.

For some people, I guess that meant getting their canoes and paddles out from the garage.
