Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Schoolboy Exposes Carbon Footprint Of Private Jet-Loving Billionaires

Yet another teen is making waves by holding the world's billionaires accountable for their impact on the environment.

[imagesource: Wikimedia Commons]

Yet another teen is making waves by holding the world’s billionaires accountable for their impact on the environment.

Akash Shendure, a 17-year-old schoolboy hailing from Seattle, borrowed the idea from his Florida peer, Jack Sweeney who created a Twitter bot to track the whereabouts of Musk’s private jet.

Shendure is the brains behind Climate Jets, a project he developed “to reveal the disparity between the carbon emissions of the ultra-rich and average Americans,” he says on his website.

With the same database that Sweeney used to keep abreast of Elon’s sky-high movements, Shendure identified the carbon emissions from the private jets of more than 150 wealthy Americans and their families.

His project lists Silicon Valley entrepreneur Tom Siebel as the most flagrant private jet flyer, along with other celebrities like Pitbull, Jerry Seinfeld, Jay-Z, and Kim Kardashian.

Naturally, Elon Musk was there too, but despite dispelling 1 699 tons of emissions over the past year alone, he didn’t get anywhere close to the top spot.

Most alarmingly, one of the high-ranking gas guzzlers is Bill Gates, who literally wrote the book ‘How to Avoid a Climate Disaster: The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need‘, in which he recommends strategies to tackle the climate crisis.

Um, how about don’t fly in a private jet that makes you, alone, responsible for 3058 metric tons of CO2 per 313 714 gallons of jet fuel? A figure that is equivalent to the emissions of 197 Americans, by the way.

Per Luxury Launches, Gates defended his excessive use of private jets, stating:

“I spend billions of dollars on … climate innovation,” Gates said matter-of-factly in a BBC interview. “So, you know, should I stay at home and not come to Kenya and learn about farming and malaria?”

In 2010, Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda, announced that they would donate the equivalent of the cost of a private jet to charity each year, which also included their extensive private jet hours.

Greta Thunberg, please help, this man does not get it.

Also at the tippy top are the Murdoch family and the DeVos family, taking the top three spots for highest emissions, respectively:

Image: climatejets.org

By clicking each name, users can learn more specific details about the number of flights taken, jet fuel used, and carbon dioxide emitted, Yahoo! News reported:

Shendure told the Times his goal is to use the website to increase awareness, and while the outlet notes that his findings have yet to be independently verified, he is succeeding in getting more people talking about climate change.

A few Silicone Valley billionaire bros made the list too.

Mark Zuckerberg is to blame for 2 371.89 metric tons of CO2 emitted – which is equivalent to emissions of 152 Americans – from 243 271 gallons of jet fuel burned.

The Zuck is known to give some money to climate change causes, but with such frantic airborne antics, he is simply burning his own money.

They all are.



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