Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Artificial Intelligence Is Now Even Putting Astrologers Out Of A Job

Our modern-day soothsayers probably saw this one coming, but AI is now being incorporated into one of the world's oldest pseudo-sciences, astrology.


Our modern-day soothsayers probably saw this one coming, but AI is now being incorporated into one of the world’s oldest pseudo-sciences – astrology.

For centuries, astrologers have referred to the movement of the stars and positions of planets to inform their readings and horoscopes.

But a new machine, developed by the company Co-Star, has now taken over your Aunty Mildred’s tea leaves and can give people their daily dose of predictions at the click of a button. The service is being offered to promote the company’s new in-app service called The Void which hopes to provide people with astrological inspiration using AI-generated ‘readings’.

The replacement for Mildred The Magnificent is about the size of a vending machine and is currently being tested at the office of Iconic Magazines in Manhattan, before being moved to Los Angeles later this year.

California is of course Mecca for astrology, with throngs of wanna-be actors who need spiritual guidance. Will I make it? Should I get on that couch?

Unlike Mildred, the machine is free to use (for now), and users can ask it open-ended questions that you would usually ask your family psychic. Using Co-Star’s database of prepared text, the AI will then provide users with ‘readings’.

The machine features black buttons, rows of blinking lights, and gauges labelled with celestial bodies — “sun,” “moon” and the eight planets — on the front of its white facade. Its screen directs users to use a knob to “ask the stars” some 100 questions. Among them: How do I get better at my job? Should I leave New York? Should I start a cult?

The usual astrological queries in other words.


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