Saturday, January 18, 2025

August 30, 2023

Crowd Shocked As 200-Year-Old ‘Time Capsule’ Found Empty on Live Stream [Video]

An expert was called in to open the box, and very carefully, the lid was removed. It was at this moment that an audible "Shit" could be heard over the live-stream.


In what could likely be a century-old prank, a 200-year-old ‘time capsule’ was opened with great pomp and ceremony, only for it to be completely empty.

In 2021, a strange lead box was discovered at the base of a monument to Thaddeus Kościuszko, a Polish military leader who fought in the Revolutionary War, at the U.S. military’s West Point Academy. Officials determined it was placed there in 1828.

Calling it a “unique discovery” and “another example of past generations of cadets gripping hands with present and future generations,” the academy planned a dramatic opening ceremony that featured a panel of military personnel and experts.

The event was even live-streamed as the hyped-up moment drew speculation on what exactly the box could contain. Some guessed it could contain an American flag, while others reckoned it might have a class ring or even some letters to future generations.

Building up the moment, Brigadier General Shane Reeves, Dean of West Point’s academic board, made an introduction. “I know you’re very excited about the big moment,” he said. “I know you are.”

The soon-to-be-disappointed General explained that there could be three ways the opening could go: “There could be nothing inside the box” (similar to the infamous opening of Al Capone’s vault on live TV), or “dust”, or “some amazing historic artefacts; something we didn’t even know or think about.”

The box itself was intriguing to everyone, and had no markings except for a series of concentric circles, which military people took as holding significance for the people who left it behind.

An expert was called in to open the box, and very carefully, the lid was removed. It was at this moment that an audible “Shit” could be heard over the live-stream. Someone asked “What do we see?”, to which the embarrassed officials could only answer: “Nothing.”

Although there were a few laughs around the room, the disappointment was evident. The crowd was given an opportunity to pose questions to the panel of experts that had gathered, but perhaps predictably, there were none.

Watch the disappointing moment below. It’s funny to hear all the speculation, but if you want to skip to the bummer part, the capsule’s opening begins at the forty-minute mark:



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