How Many South African Homes Have Fibre

Once you go fibre, you never go back, and there are plans to roll out fibre in a number of new areas across the country.
Watch Out For This Scam Involving Fibre Installation

Be careful when forking out cash to fibre installers, because they may be taking you for a ride.
Easy Tips To Improve Your WiFi Signal Around The House

If you’ve got fibre, but you’re still experiencing dropping signal or dead zones in your home, here’s what you can do about it.
Very Simple Guide To Connecting Your Computer And Your TV

If you have a decent TV, but you’re still watching series on your laptop or PC, then it’s time to get out of the dark ages and bring the two together.
An Idiot’s Guide To Getting Home Fibre Sorted

There’s nothing worse than unreliable internet, which is why it’s about time you made the switch to fibre. Relax, it’s not that hard.
How Much Fibre Does Your Business Actually Need?

If you want to elevate your business you need to make the switch to fibre, but not all fibre packages are created equal.
Uncapped Home Fibre For Less Than R600 A Month – Sign Me Up

I usually find that whenever the topic of internet service providers comes up in conversation, everyone has at least one horror story to tell.
The High-Speed Black Friday Deal You Don’t Want To Miss

This isn’t one of those ‘15% off some old junk you don’t want’ sales, but rather a deal that will see you save money right through the year.
You Won’t Find A Better Deal On Fibre This Festive Season

If you’re looking for a bumper deal on fibre, consider this your Christmas come early. It’s time you hooked yourself up with a cracking deal.
Ever Struggled To Cancel A Telkom Contract? You’re Not Alone

There are three things we can count on in this world – death, taxes, and awful service from Telkom.
How SA’s Internet Connectivity Compares With The Rest Of The World

Most of us would struggle to imagine a world without the internet. Turns out, in South Africa, that’s a reality for far more people than you may have thought.
Data Use, Speeds And More – How Fibre And ADSL Shape Up

Still trying to figure out what’s the best internet option for your house or business? It never hurts to arm yourself with a little extra knowledge.
Fibre, Home LTE and ADSL – Why Knowing The Difference Is Important

Still deciding which Internet connection to hook yourself up with? This breakdown of the options available might just help you out.
The Home Landline Is Dead – Here’s Your Proof

Other than your parents’ place, when last did you hear a landline ring at someone’s house? The landline is pushing up daisies, friends.
This Could Be The One Reason That Convinces You To Switch To Fibre

The frustration that comes when too many devices are connected to your home Internet can turn ugly. Come now, the solution is pretty simple.
If Your Business Isn’t Rocking Fibre Yet You’re Being Left Behind

Good luck trying to succeed in this day and age with a rickety workplace Internet connection. Come now, it’s 2017 and we just want to help.
Living In A House Where Everyone Downloads And Streams? Check This Out

If you’ve ever lived in a sharehouse or digs, then you’ll know that internet usage can lead to the odd fight. That doesn’t have to be the case, of course.
IoT, VDC, SaaS And Other Tech Terms You Really Should Know By Now

Ever wondered why IoT is being dropped in nearly every conversation about the future of tech? Here’s some guidance for that and a few other tech acronyms.
HERE IT IS: 10MB Fibre, Uncapped, FREE Router + Installation, R679 Per Month

Everyone and their dog has an opinion on what’s the best fibre deal out there, but how about one that actually delivers what it promises? No extra costs’ y’all.
These Are The Latest Cape Town Suburbs To Get Fibre

Fibre is slowly rolling out into South African suburbs, and these are the latest to get connected. Good news for those living outside of the CBD too.
It Looks Like All That Fibre Roadwork In The City Bowl Will Finally Be Worth It

There’s been no shortage of dirt on the side of City Bowl roads these past few months, but now there’s some good news to make the wait worthwhile.
This Website Lets You Search If Fibre Is Available In Your Neighbourhood

It’s a question that everyone seems to be asking, and now these guys have made it easy to find out when that high-speed browsing is coming your way.
Telkom Are Upgrading From ADSL To Fibre In These Exact Areas

What do we want – faster internet. When do we want it – now. Well for some folks out there that’s about to become a reality.
Can’t You Get Fibre In Your Neighbourhood? Shame – It Might Be Because You’re Poor

South Africa’s high rollers are providing fibre broadband to the wealthy areas, because, well, money.