“K*ked Myself” – The Obligatory Snake Season Warning Ft. Local Cyclist Crossing Paths With Cobra [Video]

A man cycling around the mountains in the Mother City nearly met his maker when crossing paths with a Cape Cobra and a slew of strong (and appropriate) language ensued.
A Free State Robber Stuck His Hands In Cages With Venomous Snakes To Escape Jail Time

This man’s escape from justice was as wild as the illegal animals he kept in his house.
Snake Catcher Worked All Night To Get This Massive Python Out Of A Port Edward Home [Images]

The lady of the home has had a couple of python visitors in the past and one once got a hold of one of her beloved Yorkies.
World’s Largest Anaconda Snake With ‘Human-Sized’ Head Found In Amazon [Video]

The stunning serpent was found to measure 26 feet long (around 8 metres) with a weight of 440 lbs (200 kilograms) and a head as large as a human’s.
Snake-Catcher Struggles To Keep Two Cobras Contained At Cape Town’s Airport Industria [Video]

Bless Tyrone Ping’s heart for catching two Cape cobras in one day, it didn’t look easy.
Arizona Woman Shares Terrifying Footage Of Finding Angry ‘Toilet Snake’ [Video]

“I’d been gone for four days and was looking forward to using my own restroom in peace.”
Tourist Tries To Kiss Snake With Predictable Results In Viral Video [Video]

We’re not sure if she got her Adam & Eve story mixed up with the Princess and the Frog, but this viper went all #MeToo on this lady.
SA Supply Of Snake Antivenom Is Running Dangerously Low

If you get a snake bite in the coming months you might not be able to get your hands on the life-saving elixir needed for treatment.
It’s Snake Season In SA – What To Do If Someone Gets Bitten

In case you find yourself enjoying a picnic or going on a trek and a snake decides to ruin the festivities, you might want to follow these life-saving tips.
It Happened – Flight Grounded Because Of An Actual Snake On A Plane [Video]

A slithering snake was spotted by passengers aboard an AirAsia flight.
Just A Boomslang In This Cape Family’s Christmas Tree [Video]

While the usual decorations include tinsel, lights, Christmas bubbles, and other ornaments, one Western Cape family had a surprise addition to their tree.
How This Guy Used A Cobra As A Murder Weapon

Suraj Kumar has been handed a double life sentence after investigators pieced together clues to determine that he used a spectacled cobra (also known as an Indian cobra) as a murder weapon.
Python Filmed In Woolworths Australia Herb And Spice Section [Video]

A three-metre diamond python was spotted at a Woolworths in Sydney a few days back. Thankfully, the closest shopper also happened to be a volunteer snake catcher.
Python Inside Toilet Bites Man As He Sits [Video]

An Austrian man’s trip to the toilet on Monday should have been just like any other, except it turned out to be a bit of a nightmare.
Snake Handlers Find Three Spitting Cobras At Durban Home [Video]

Snake handlers attending to a call at a house in Pinetown, Durban, were shocked to find three Mozambique spitting cobras on the premises.
“Don’t Let It Poo On My Face” – The Perils Of Catching A Python [Video]

Snake expert Nick Evans almost got more than he bargained for during a call to relocate a Southern African python on the KZN North Coast.
Today’s Epic Showdown Is Between A Ground Squirrel And A Cape Cobra [Video]

The Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park played host to a showdown between a ground squirrel and a Cape cobra, with the squirrel desperate to defend its young.
Someone Keeps Dumping Pillowcases Stuffed With Live Snakes Outside A UK Fire Station

Firefighters at a fire station in Sunderland, northeast England, keep finding pillowcases filled with snakes behind the building.
Snake Danger: Incredible Moment Great Ape Lends Hand To Human

People can’t get over the incredible moment that an orangutan tried to help a man to safety in Borneo.
Reporter Terrified As Snake Strikes Microphone [Video]

Australian reporter Sarah Cawte was filming a segment on snake safety when things didn’t go according to the script.
Check Out This 3,9m Python Found In Durban [Video]

A Durban couple decided to call an expert when they spotted a monster of a snake trying to slither onto their property.
Please Enjoy This Video Of A Kangaroo Rat Ninja-Kicking A Rattlesnake

This kangaroo rat decided that today was not the day that he would become rattlesnake food.
Afraid Of Snakes? Consider This Guy’s Story Your Worst Nightmare [Video]

If you give snakes a wide berth, they’ll do the same to you. Unfortunately for John Waddell, that wasn’t really an option.
Chilled: Boa Constrictor Eats Pigeon On London City Street [Video]

It’s not every day you see a boa chomping on a pigeon, and that’s especially true when you consider that this unfolded on the streets of London.
Chameleon Gives Up On Life And Becomes Mamba Snack [Video]

Chameleons are masters of blending in, but this poor chap in the Kruger National Park seems to have thrown in the towel.
Indonesian Special Forces Drink Snake Blood To Impress US Defence Secretary [Video]

Are you keen to put on a display that gets the US Defence Secretary all revved up? Easy, just nibble on a few cobras and drink their blood.
Beyond Rare – Photographer Captures Jaguar Vs. Anaconda

You can count yourself rather fortunate to spot a jaguar on the hunt in the wild, and even more so if it decides to take on an anaconda.
Genius Invention Will Stop Cape Snakes From Invading Your Home Over The Summer

I’ve dealt with two puff adders first hand in Camps Bay, and with a now with a cabin in the Klein Karoo mountains, snake awareness is not something I skimp on.
Bad Result As Man Poses For Selfie With Massive Python [Video]

Sometimes the world works in mysterious ways, and over in India one snake summed up how many of us feel about selfie snappers.
Imagine Snakes Slithering Into Your Home From The Ceiling [Video]

Snakes are not a welcome guest in my home, especially when they decide to arrive announced from the ceiling. How rude.