Those of you who know and understand the orgasmic flavoursome proportions of Rotherham-diet-approved Daim (also called “Dime” in some countries) chocolates, have probably been sharing the pain that has been running through my body for the last few months.
I had a fix for a while, after receiving this incredible bag of mini-Daims from Los Angeles, from The Advertising Guy and The Italian.
A bag of mind-fucks
They used to be stocked at the usual boutique deli outfits, like Carlucci’s and Giovanni’s and then, amazingly, even the Friendly Store in Camps Bay. But then stocks started drying up and it was only Sweets From Heaven at the V&A Waterfront who had them.
Now…. there is nothing.
NOTHING!!!! I have been asking the people at Giovanni’s what the problem is and for MONTHS they have given it the big, “our supplier can’t get them anymore.” Hmm, not good enough, I’m afraid. FAIL.
I finished the aforementioned bag of Daims and removed it from my mind. I closed that box in my head and packed it away. I pretended everything was fine and I seemed to be managing ok.
That was until The Italian emailed me this picture, with the subject “DIE!” – confirming that she had bought it and would be reporting back..
WHAT!!! I can’t take it any longer..
It’s just too much. I can’t take it anymore. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM, PEOPLE!?!?!? I would like to give anyone out there a little tip off. You could charter a jet with bags of these chocolates on board, fly them to Cape Town and sell them for R100 a chocolate and I swear to God they will all be sold. I’ll even write a free article for you.
Just do it.
For God’s sake!