Thursday, February 13, 2025

December 20, 2010

Checkers? Nataniel? “Turducken”? Really?

Checkers have made well-known South African socialite, fashion designer and aspiring chef (that's kok in Afrikaans, I'll have you know), Nataniel their go-to guy for meat-product advertisment. As you can see, they like to push it pretty hard.

Checkers have made well-known South African socialite, fashion designer and aspiring chef (that’s kok in Afrikaans, I’ll have you know), Nataniel their go-to guy for meat-product advertisment.

As you can see, they like to push it pretty hard.

Don’t you like the way he says boerewors?

“Mmm, championship boereworssssh…”

That rentboy in the blue shirt is most definitely not a tong master. Why he’s turning the meat is anyone’s guess. Anyhow, more weighty matters are at hand.

Checkers have their friendly egg-man on the product endorsement trail once again, this time with christmas meats.

The product? Turducken.

Click for the full ad

No spice, they called it Turducken. It’s a clever combination of deboned turkey, duck and chicken rolled into one delicious roast, apparently. Nice. But it’s called Turducken, and all I can see is the first half of that word.

Nataniel is going to be eating Turducken this Christmas.

Well at least it’s not on restaurant menus yet. You’d have to use the ol’ point-at-he-menu-item-and-say-“that” technique.

Update: Here’s the Turducken TV ad (thanks, Duder).

He seems a pleasant chap, actually. But why is he wearing a cherry blossom tree?