Don’t you just love a good small town monster story? If any of you drove through the Karoo over the Easter weekend, you may have been lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the shape-shifting creature which has reportedly been terrorising the town of Steytlerville since the end of March.
Eastern Cape Police have received numerous reports from locals who swear they’ve seen a man who changes into different animals roaming the streets of Steyterville. It has been described as being as big as a cow and looking like a monkey. Notably, it’s been spotted outside the local tavern.
Not surprising, right? How many strange events have unfolded outside your local after a few drinks? Plenty.
But police have said that no drugs or alcohol were involved in any of the sightings to date, and they have not yet been able to dismiss the reports. Which means this monster could be real, people.
That, or a very elaborate publicity stunt for the sleepy town of Steytlerville.
[Source: EWN]