Thank you science! A new experiment using mice has shown us that there might be a way to keep us young….FOREVER.
New Studies published in Science & Nature Medicine show us that when scientists took the blood out of young and spritely mice and injected it into the bloodstreams of old and creaky rats, the old rats acquired and abundance of renewed energy, increased strength and MEMORY!
According to Time magazine’s article: ” A protein called GDF11 — also found in human blood — is behind the rejuvenating properties. Concentration of the substance appears to decline in advanced years.”
In a nutshell, we now have no more need to worry about Alzheimer’s or other degenerative brain diseases, because some young-blood’s, er, blood will be just a syringe needle away to save all of your grey matter from perishing.
Only downside? You could get cancer from using blood that over-stimulates the rapid regrowth of new cells. Okay then.