This is not the first time an opportunist has sprung up following the announcement that Oscar would be selling his home in order to pay his mounting legal bills. Praying on the naive and good-hearted is the bread and butter of conmen everywhere and this is definitely an opportunity too good to pass up for such a person. This was posted on Facebook over the weekend:
The elusive Mrs Anderson could not be reached, reports iol, and the real Pistorius family are furious.
“The family has made it clear (in the past) that anyone soliciting money on their behalf are doing so fraudulently. We will, once again, request Facebook to shut this profile down. All the legitimate Pistorius family members’ Facebook pages are either deactivated or set on full privacy settings,” said [Anneliese] Burgess [the family spokesperson].
The family are not pressing charges at this stage but Oscar fans beware: this is not likely to be the last con using his name and status.
[Source: iol]